Research Press Publishers
Book Covers
Filed Under
Scope of Project
- Graphic Design
- Publication
Since 1968, Research Press has been publishing innovative and effective behavior intervention resources for counselors, psychologists, social workers and educators. Traditionally, book cover designs in these fields tend to be formulaic and fail to capture the attention of their audience. Our designs work to elevate Research Press’ book covers past the status quo of their industry, creating dynamic concepts that clearly communicate the subject matter in an engaging way that fits in with contemporary book cover design.

Research Press Publishers
Book Covers
—Research Press Publishers
Book Covers
Filed Under
Scope of Project
- Graphic Design
- Publication
Since 1968, Research Press has been publishing innovative and effective behavior intervention resources for counselors, psychologists, social workers and educators. Traditionally, book cover designs in these fields tend to be formulaic and fail to capture the attention of their audience. Our designs work to elevate Research Press’ book covers past the status quo of their industry, creating dynamic concepts that clearly communicate the subject matter in an engaging way that fits in with contemporary book cover design.